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Petaluma Pet Pals is Volunteer Powered!

Petaluma Pet Pals is a 501c3 non-profit established in 1998 by a group of  dedicated animals lovers who are working to make a real difference for companion animals and the people who love them. Join our volunteer crew! We are always looking for people to help, and we work with you to make sure your tasks fit with your lifestyle and schedule.

*Applications for fostering cats, dogs or the thrift store are linked below - you can fill them out and email or text a pic to 707-322-8399.


*Applications for fostering cats, dogs or the thrift store are linked below - you can fill them out and email or text a pic to 707-322-8399.

Become a Foster Care Provider today!

Seeking Foster Parents!

As a Foster based rescue (we do not have a shelter), we can only save as many animals as we have foster homes to care for them! ​ Every year, thousands of underage kittens and puppies (too young  for spay or neuter), dogs, and cats enter the shelter system in Northern California and, sadly, many will be euthanized due to lack of space, lack of funds or lack of shelter infrastructure to properly care for them. Our rescue program seeks to help as many of these precious lives as we can, but we need your help!

We Need Foster Parents to Help:

  • Dog or Cat Mom with Babies

  • Bottle Babies (needing round the clock feedings)

  • Babies eating on their own but not old enough for adoption

  • Cats or Dogs with special needs

  • Adults waiting for forever homes

  • Fospice (Fostering senior or 9+terminally ill cats or dogs)

We are always looking for foster care providers for dogs and cats in all different life stages, from puppies and unweaned kittens to senior dogs and fospice cats. We work hard to place our animals in appropriate foster homes. We emphasize the importance of making the foster situation work for everyone, especially you! We will never knowingly place an animal with you that requires care with which you are uncomfortable. Read the terms and conditions, fill out the Cats/Kittens Foster Application or Dogs/Puppies Foster Application, and we will contact you shortly to conduct a brief interview. (Either email the form back to or text a picture of completed forms to 707-322-8399.)


If you are not able to foster but are still interested in volunteering with us, please email us. We need the support of the community to do what we do, and we love making new friends! We look forward to working with you!

Foster Parents Needed for Kitten Season

Save lives and play with kittens all summer! Every year, thousands of underage kittens (too young to be spayed or neutered), enter the shelter system in Northern California and sadly many will be euthanized due to lack of space, lack of funds or lack of shelter infrastructure to properly care for them. Our crew is a small but mighty! We are 100% volunteer-run and welcome anyone who sincerely wants to make a difference.


Our rescue program seeks to help as many of these precious lives as we can, but we need your help! We are a foster-based rescue, meaning we do not have a dedicated facility. That means we can only save as many animals as we have foster homes!

Weaned Kitten Foster Manual

Types of Fosters

  • Mom with babies

  • Bottle babies that need round-the-clock feedings

  • Babies eating on their own but not old enough for adoption

  • Babies with special needs

  • Adult cats waiting for forever homes

What You Provide

  • A safe, cozy inside space - This can be a spare bedroom or bathroom and should be not be accessible by your other animals.

  • Food and litter - Petaluma Pet Pals will supplement when we can with donations. 

  • Socialization for kittens - This means playing and cuddling with cutie pie kitties! It’s hard work but someone has to do it!

  • Transportation - To and from medical appointments.

  • Time - Some kittens only need a couple weeks of care, while others will need a couple months. Let’s talk about what works best for both of us.

What Petaluma Pet Pals Provides

  • 24 hour support - You can call, email or text the Foster Coordinator any time day or night if you need help or have questions.

  • Medical care - We will never hesitate to seek veterinary care, and we have a wonderful veterinary office that takes special care of our babies.

  • Cat Room - We have a fun cat room which is great for a litter of kittens or friendly adult cats in our Great Stuff Thrift Store. If you visit the Store, peek through the windows to see who is being showcased for adoption!

  • Morti's Used Book Nook and Cat Adoption Lounge - Morti's is a cage free Lounge that houses cats and kittens available for adoption. Also offering a great selection of books for sale, the Lounge is open weekends. See the "Morti's" tab on this website for more information.  

  • Advertising - We use this website, FaceBook, Instagram and PetFinder to advertise available animals for adoption. If you know someone who is looking for a companion, let us know! Each adoption will go through an adoption application and a candid but friendly interview.

  • Peace of Mind - Petaluma Pet Pals provides a lifetime commitment to all the animals in the program and will always support our animals in both foster and adoptive homes.

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